

„Legal writing and reasoning: profile presentation” was the generic of the public lesson held by the EU High Legal Advisor on Justice and Prosecution of the Ministry of Justice, ex-General Prosecutor of Romania, Gabriela Scutea. The event took place on Thursday, March 21, 2024, at the National Institute of Justice, attended by the NIJ trainees of the initial training course, promotion of 2023-2025.


As of today, March 20, 2024, the interim Director position at the National Institute of Justice will be filled by Adrian Cerbu, a judge at Criuleni Court (headquarters Dubasari), appointed in accordance with the order signed on March 15 by the Minister of Justice, as per the new amendments to the Law on the National Institute of Justice.


Recently, the National Institute of Justice and the School of Fine Arts "Alexei Sciusev," in partnership with the Council of Europe project "Preventing and protecting children from violence including in the digital environment in the Republic of Moldova," launched the 5th edition of the national fine art contest "The future of justice in the European community: the vision of young people on justice in the Republic of Moldova," for pupils aged between 11 and 17 years.


The trainees of the National Institute of Justice, candidates to the positions of judge and prosecutor, participated on March 18, 2024, in discussions with representatives of the Organization National Center for State Courts Williamsburg (NCSC): Olimpia Gribincea, Director of the Chisinau branch, Timothy Hughes, Director of international programs, and Rachel Morley, legal advisor. The theme of the event was research, reasoning and legal writing.


Vineri, 15 martie 2024, la Institutul Național al Justiției s-au aflat în vizită experți în domeniul comunicării și eticii judiciare din cadrul sistemului judecătoresc al Canadei. Din delegație au făcut parte Președintele Curții din New Brunswick, Маrс Richard, Președintele Curții Federale а Canadei, Раul Crampton, judecătoarea Curții de Apel din Quebec, Julie Dutil, directoarea рe comunicare а Biroului Executiv din Noua Scoție, Jennifer Stairs, analista senior de Programe, Directoratul de Programe Internaționale (Agenția pentru Relații Judiciare), Nataliya Horodetsky, care au fost însoțiți de membrul Consiliului Superior al Magistraturii, Ion Guzun.