Discussion panel on the role of the National Institute of Justice, as a judicial training entity, in the context of obtaining the status of candidate country of the Republic of Moldova for accession to the European Union

19. 10. 2023

On the occasion of Lawyer's Day, NIJ trainees and trainers participated in a discussion panel entitled „Role of the National Institute of Justice as a judicial training entity, in the context of obtaining the status of candidate country of the Republic of Moldova for accession to the European Union”.

In the openning of the event spoke Ecaterina Popa, ad interim Director of the National Institute of Justice, Stanislav Copetchi, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Justice, and Lilit Daneghian-Bossler, ad interim Head, Division of Cooperation Programs, Department for the Implementation of Human Rights, Justice and Legal Cooperation Standards, Directorate-General for Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Council of Europe. Their messages contained congratulations on the occasion of the professional day, as well as the conviction that the young generation of lawyers, passed through professional training at the National Institute of Justice, it will be an essential support for shaping an efficient and transparent judiciary.

In their speeches, Mariana Chicu, Head of the Cooperation Program Division Unit, Department of Standards for Justice and Legal Cooperation, Council of Europe, and Eduard Pesendorfer, project manager in the field of justice, at the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova, developed topics on the importance of independent justice in maintaining the rule of law, the role of judicial training from the perspective of Council of Europe standards, judicial training as part of the reform of the justice sector in the Republic of Moldova – conditionality for the candidacy for accession to the European Union.

During the event, NIJ trainers and trainees asked questions about the procedures for appointing future judges and prosecutors in the Republic of Moldova and in the European Union (Austria), justice reform and expected impact, the effects of ordinary and extraordinary evaluation of judges and prosecutors, etc.

The activity was preceded by a meeting of the invited officials where collaboration opportunities were discussed in the context of the recent launch of the joint project of the European Union and the Council of Europe „Support to the justice reform in the Republic of Moldova”, the National Institute of Justice being one of its beneficiaries.

Activitatea a fost precedată de o întrevedere a oficialilor invitați la care au fost discutate oportunități de colaborare în contextul lansării recente a proiectului comun al Uniunii Europene și al Consiliului Europei „Suport pentru reforma justiției în Republica Moldova”, Institutul Național al Justiției fiind unul dintre beneficiarii acestuia.