for the articles submitted with the
The scientific article should be of a high generalized level, provide for genuine and novice results and the comments regarding the feasibility of further study of the relevant issue.
Scientific article may have one or more authors, provided that the overall number of authors does not exceed 3.
The article of 5 to 12 pages should be clear, should not contain corrections and provide for the date of its submission.
Electronic material should be submitted in Word format (at 1,5 line spacing, font size – 12, A4 format with the following indentation: left – 3 cm, right – 1,5 cm, before and after – 2,5 cm) together with its hard copy (duly printed) and executed by all the authors.
The complete address of a corresponding author (contract details, including email) should also be provided.
The authors grant the Journal of the National Institute of Justice an exclusive right for publishing their article.
Structural componence of a scientific article:
- Name
- Name and family name of the author (authors)
- Executive summary
- Key words
- Main content of the article
- Results and their interpretation
- Conclusions
- Bibliography.
A scientific article may contain schemes, figures, photos and tables. These are to be inserted directly after the relevant reference or, if the authors have no technical resources for their insertion, on a separate sheet with a mention on the exact place of insertion.
An index and the relevant description of a figure or a photo should be inserted below each such figure or photo.
The tables should be numbered and provided with their names.
NAME (to be typed with capped letters, BOLD CAPS, centered) should be provided in the language of the article and in English language.
For example:
The name of the article should include a minimum content of the article, provide for a brief summary and contain exact and non-ambiguous notion. The following articles bearing the following names which do not provide for exact notions should be rejected „General considerations on…”, „Certain aspects of…”, „Observations on…”, „Certain considerations …”, „The issues of…”, „Research on…”. The name of the article should provide for the exact aspects, considerations or issues addressed in the article. We recommend avoiding excess of information in the name of the article, such as:
„Experimental study of….”, „Theoretical and practical approaches to…” .
NAME AND FAMILY NAME OF THE AUTHOR (AUTHORS) (to be typed with capped letters) should be accompanied with the name of institution affiliated with the author and his/her scientific and didactic titles, fi the case.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (in Romanian and English languages)* should be clear, contain active wording and present forms of verbs (past tense is to be used only for the description of the order of usage of variables) and have approx. 75 to 100 words or 20 lines of text.
KEY WORDS (in Romanian and English languages)* approx. 7 to 10 words.
MAIN CONTENT of the article should be drafted to reflect the introduction part, retrospective part and the interpretive part of the article.
CONCLUSIONS of the author should provide for the essence of the subject-matter, the applicability of the results and perspectives of the subject-matter of the article.
The references in the text are to be indexed by numbers in the square brackets. If certain parts of a source are used in the text of the article, in addition to the index of the reference, the number of the page/paragraph/article should also be included (for instance: in case of a publication [2, p.7]; in case of ECHR decisions [3, §55]; in case of laws [6, art.21]). A separate list, in an alphabetic order, segregated as per the origin of the source (Romanian, Russian, English and so on) and having separate numbering should be provided at the end of the article.
Bibliography should be provided as follows:
- Laws
The Civil Code of the Republic of Moldova No. 1107 of 6 June 2002: Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova, 2002, No. 82-86/661. In force since 12 June 2003.
Law of the Republic of Moldova on the Rights and Liabilities of a Patient No. 263 of 27.10.2005. Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova, 2005, No.176-181/867. In force since 30.06.2006.
- Court practice / Explicative decisions of the Plenum of the SCJ of the RM
Decision of the Penal Penal of the Supreme Tribunal of Romania, No. 467 of 6 March 1980. Collection of Decisions of the Supreme Tribunal from 1980. Bucharest: Scientific Edition, 1982. 375 p.
Decision of the Penal Penal of the Supreme Court of Justice of 26 February 2014. Court case No. 1ra-436/2014. (visited on 24.09.2015).
Case of Seliverstov v. Russia. ECHR, 25 december 2008, final 25 april 2008. (visited at 06.01.2016).
Affaire Gorodnitchev c. Russie. CEDH, 24.05.2007. search.aspx?i=001-80611 (visited at 13.06.2015).
Court case Angelova şi Iliev c. Bulgariei, decision of 26.07.2007, final since 26.10.2007. (visited at 25.04.2015).
Decision of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic of Moldova „on court sentece” No. 5 of 19.06.2006. Bulletin of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic of Moldova, 2007, No. 1, p.14-16.
- Books (manuals, study course notes, university study courses and etc.) and monographies
- single author: Popov R. Subiectul infracţiunilor prevăzute în capitolele XV şi XVI ale Codului penal: Material metodico-didactic. Chisianu: CEP USM, 2012. 315 p.
- two authors: Copețchi S., Hadârca I. Calificarea infracțiunilor: Note de curs. Chisinau:
Central Printing House, 2015. 352 p.
- three authors: Рахметов С.М., Кременцов С.А., Колкобаев М.О. Преступления против основ конституционного строя и безопасности государства. Almaty: ТОО «Баспа», 1998. 80 c.
- more than three authors: Barbăneagră A. ş.a. Codul Penal al Republicii Moldova: Comentariu.(Law No. 985-XVI of 18.04.2002 with all the amendments brought prior to its re-publishing with the Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova No. 72-79/195 of 14.04.2009. Annotation with the court practice of the ECHR and the national courts). Chisinau: Sarmis, 2009. 860 p.
- Articles in the newspapers
Bujorean D. Principiul legalităţii incriminării în contextul infracţiunilor contra demnităţii. Themis, 2010, nr.2-3, p.40-52.
- Articles from the materials/reports at conferences, symphosiums, congresses
Osmochescu N. Aplicarea acordului de asociere între Republica Moldova și Uniunea Europeană în ordinea juridică internă a Republicii Moldova: Aspecte teoretico-practice. În: Materialele Conferinţei ştiinţifice internaţionale cu genericul „Rolul ştiinţei şi educaţiei în implementarea Acordului de Asociere la Uniunea Europeană”, eveniment dedicat aniversării a 60 de ani ai academicianului Valeriu Canţer: Chisinau, 5 February 2015. Iasi: Vasiliana '98, 2015, p.73-79.
- Contributions to methodological recomendations, guides and etc.
Eșanu A. Analiza juridico-penală a infracţiunilor de tortură şi tratament inuman sau degradant. În: Recomandări metodologice pentru investigarea eficientă a infracţiunilor de tortură, tratament inuman sau degradant: (de uz intern). Chisinau: Imprint Star, 2014, p.29-48.
- Electronic Sources
Civil and Political Rights, Including The Questions of Torture And Detention Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. Report of the Special Rapporteur on the question of torture, Manfred Nowak, 23 December 2005. (visited 14.06.2015).
- PhD thesis
Ciobanu O. Fundamente teoretico-practice în controlul vamal / Autoreferat al tezei de doctor în drept. Chisinau, 2015.
Poalelungi M. Obligațiile pozitive și negative ale statului prin prisma Convenției Europene pentru Apărarea Drepturilor Omului și a Libertăților Fundamentale / Autoreferat al tezei de doctor habilitat în drept. Chisinau, 2015.
The list of references should have reasonable limits.
The references to the non-published articles are prohibited.
*If the language of the article is other than Romanian or English, the author should provide 3 executive summaries together with the key words: in Romanian, English and the language of the article.