Didactics and Methodological Activity

An important role in the initial and continuous training performed by the National Institute of Justice has its didactics and methodological activity. As per the provisions of the law and internal rules, the Didactics, Methodological and Research Section ensures the management of all relevant didactical, methodological and research activities within the NIJ, including:

  • Organization and monitoring of the didactics and methodological processes within the NIJ.
  • Drafting of curriculums, initial and continuous training study plans and their implementation.
  • Methodological assistance and support to the trainers necessary for realization/update and implementation of the disciplinary curriculums and study materials designed for practical and theoretical training of beneficiaries made through modern didactical technologies, interactive and participative methods based on the principles of adult learning.
  • Methodological support, coordination, if the case, of the continuous training agendas necessary for supervision of general objectives of learning, competences to be developed through studies, study methods to be use and others.
  • Assurance of the highest quality of didactics and methodological processes and drafting of the assessment criteria necessary to assess the quality of studies offered by trainers and, generally, the study process.
  • Management of the activities of drafting and use of necessary study, didactics and methodological materials, drafting books/guides, methodological guides and, if the case, planning of their publishing together with other didactics and study materials.
  • Selection of the books, literature, documents, compliant with the profile of the library and the needs of the Institute’s beneficiaries, and assurance of the Institute with the materials necessary for the initial and continuous training.
  • Research in the area of court practice and theory, depending on the evolution of the judicial reform and the necessity to draft the appropriate methodological support for such reform implementation.
  • Drafting and implementation of assessment methodologies necessary for training and the quality of training programs, periodical assessment of the trainers’ performances, methodological support to the assessment technologies.
  • Identification of the training needs of the students/beneficiaries of the initial and continuous trainings, taking into account the evolution of the legal framework and relevant court practice and the institutional reformation, as per the provisions of the national and internal strategies and the action plans for their implementation, as well as legal harmonization trends on the European level.
  • Drafting reports/information containing general recommendations necessary for the improvement of the initial and continuous training programs and the disciplinary curriculums.
  • Participation in the process of drafting of the NIJ’s strategies, drafting of amendments/supplements to the internal documents of the Institute, approvals for the draft laws and secondary legislation filed with the Institute, participation in various commissions and working groups relevant to the area of its activity.