NIJ-2023 Admission promotional campaign arrived on Wednesday, June 28, 2023, in the northern capital of the republic. This time the judicial assistants and clerks from the Balti Court of Appeal and Balti Court, as well as the consultants of the prosecutors from the Prosecutor's Office of Balti were the target group with whom the perspectives of the study at the National Institute of Justice were discussed.
After the greeting message of the host of the event – Ion Talpa, President of the Balti Court of Appeal, Ecaterina Popa, ad interim Director of NIJ, Ion Covalciuc, Chief Prosecutor of the Balti Prosecutor's Office, member of the NIJ Council, and Olga Marandici, a NIJ graduate, head of the International Relations Section within the NIJ, spoke to the audience about the process of training of future judges and prosecutors, referring in particular to the procedure of admission to initial training studies within the National Institute of Justice. The young people also find out the way of selection and professional training of future judges and prosecutors in the promotional and video materials broadcast during the visit.
During the meeting, appeared several questions regarding the employment rate of NIJ graduates, the equivalence of study diplomas offered by the Romanian state, the need for seniority in work to become a NIJ trainee, etc. At the same time, Ecaterina Popa urged those interested in becoming candidates to the position of judge or prosecutor to follow the website in order to be aware of the conditions of this year's admission.
We mention that in 2023, at the admission contest for NIJ initial training course, are planned 30 places for candidates to the position of judge and 15 places for candidates to the position of prosecutor. File submission will take place between July 3 and August 4, 2023, and in September will be held the entrance exam, which consists of the written test taken electronically and the oral test. The written test, in turn, consists of an eliminatory psychological test and a specialized test. The ad, admission schedule, as well as other relevant information will be published on the NIJ website.