The exam for the candidates for the positions of a judge or prosecutor based on a duration of their employment service is organized for individuals having university degree in law and a 5 years employment service.
The basis for the submission of the documents for participation at the exam for the candidates for the positions of a judge or prosecutor based on a duration of their employment service is the decision of the Superior Council of Magistrates and, respectively, decision of the Superior Council of Prosecutors on filing of the documents for the applicants to the position of a judge or prosecutor based on a duration of their employment service with the Final Examination Commission of the National Institute of Justice.
The exam is organized as follows:
1. written test, consisting of drafting of two procedural documents related to the analysis of real court cases:
- court award and sentence for the applicants to the position of a judge (based on a civil and criminal court case);
- bill of indictment and an ordinance on termination/closure of a criminal investigation for the applicants for the positions of a prosecutor (based on two criminal investigation files);
2. verbal test:
- subject-matters: penal and penal procedure law, civil and civil procedure law, human rights for the applicants to the position of a judge;
- subject-matters: penal and penal procedure law, human rights for the applicants to the position of a prosecutor.
For the purposes of the verbal test, the candidates should answer to at least one question from each subject-matter/discipline.
The organization, carrying out, assessment and analysis of the appeals is done in compliance with the provisions of the Law on the National Institute of Justice, the Regulation on the Order of Organization and Carrying out of the exam for the candidates for the positions of a judge or prosecutor based on a duration of their employment service dated 31 January 2017, the Regulation on Initial Training and Graduation of the candidates for the positions of a judge or prosecutor based on a duration of their employment service date 2 March 2017 and the Regulation on Submission and Examination of the Appeals date 2 March 2017.