The NIJ Director spoke to students about bioethics and human rights

04. 10. 2019

The Director of the National Institute of Justice, Diana Scobioala, participated in the national conference "Human rights and the evolution of society – Realities. Interpretations. Tendencies.”, which takes place today, October 4, 2019, at the Moldova State University.

The event brings together representatives of the academic environment, partners of the ERASMUS + "European Human Rights Law for Universities of Ukraine and Moldova" project, as well as students of the "Human Rights" Master program within the Law Faculty of the Moldova State University.

In her speech, Diana Scobioala, PhD in International Law, university lecturer, pointed out some ideas from the new course intended for the Doctorate and dedicated to the recent developments of the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights regarding bioethics. In particular, Diana Scobioala referred to the new aspects of the evolution of biomedicine and its impact on real life and on national and international jurisprudence.

It should be mentioned that, starting with the current year, a new interdisciplinary module dedicated to law, medicine and bioethics has been introduced in the NIJ's plan for the continuous training of judges and prosecutors. The respective module provides training sessions on topics related to biomedicine and human rights, medical responsibility and medical malpractice, mental health and mental illnesses etc.