In Bucharest, took place the XVI-th EuRoQuod conference – The national network of judges-coordinators in the matter of European Union law

21. 11. 2023

Between  November 16-17, 2023, the trainers of the National Institute of Justice: Livia Mitrofan, ad interim President of the Chisinau Court, and Alexandru Negru, judge at the Chisinau Court, Buiucani headquarters, attended the 16th EuRoQuod conference - a network that gathers, on a voluntary basis, judges from all levels of jurisdiction in Romania, showing a particular interest in the application of European Union law, to acquire new knowledge in the field and to pass on to colleagues from their experience.

The agenda of the meeting included several topics, including: news in the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) on the protection of personal data; application of EU law by Romanian courts; online research tools on EU law; judicial dialogue of the courts of the CJEU, national courts and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in the application of EU law by way of the preliminary question; current issues in the field of non-discrimination from the perspective of the case law of the CJEU and the ECtHR; the effects of the judgments of the CJEU in cases where questions have been referred for a preliminary ruling and the importance of the publication of judgments delivered by national courts in those cases, etc.

We mention that the participation of Moldovan judges in the conference took place thanks to the project ”Strengthening the justice system by organizing expertise transfer missions addressed to judges and prosecutors from the Republic of Moldova”, implemented by the National Institute of Magistracy of Romania and National Institute of Justice of the Republic of Moldova, with the support of the RoAid, under the coordination of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, due to the support provided for the judicial system reform. The cooperation directions of the project refers to three components: developing the capacities of NIJ beneficiaries through continuous training activities organized by NIM; performing internships for NIJ trainees and specialized internships for judges and prosecutors at the homologous institutions; assistance on strengthening the capacity of the Legal Information Centre during a study visit of NIJ employees.