

În vederea adaptării la ordinea juridică a Republicii Moldova a cursului HELP al Consiliului Europei privind justiția în interesul copilului, vineri, 25 ianuarie 2019, a fost organizat un atelier de lucru la care au participat experții ai CoE, judecători, procurori, reprezentanți ai instituțiilor abilitate în protecția drepturilor copilului, ai mediului academic și ai organizațiilor non-guvernamentale.


On Wednesday, January 16, 2019, the Director of the National Institute of Justice, Diana Scobioala, had a meeting with William Massolin, the Head of the Council of Europe's Office in Moldova. He joined the office on October 1, 2018, this being his first visit to the Institute.


On the occasion of the National Day of Culture and on Mihai Eminescu's birthday, the National Institute of Justice promotes values other than legal ones. On January 15, 2019, the unique institution in the country that trains judges and prosecutors, hosted the launch of two volumes written by the academician Gheorghe Baciu, "Mihai Eminescu: Realities and Errors" and "Ten Remarkable People of the Nation".


Christmas carols and well-wishes have been heard today at the headquarters of the National Institute of Justice. The folk musician Maria Iliut and the ethno-folk ensemble "Crenguta de iedera" celebrated the birth of the God, wished for well-being, health and long life, presented folk customs of games with masks: goat, bear, etc.