Extra-curricular Activities


29.05.2024. Legal writing and reasoning from a Canadian perspective: public lesson held by judges Marc Richard and Martel D. Popescul

23.05.2024. A unique event at the NIJ: public lesson, held by the President of the European Court of Human Rights, Siofra O'Learly

29.03.2024. "When the prosecutor needs to know the civil law. About sequestrations and titles": public lesson held by the NIM trainer, university professor, PhD. Radu Alexandru Rizoiu

21.03.2024. Romania's experience in legal writing and reasoning: public lesson held by Gabriela Scutea, EU High Legal Advisor on Justice and Prosecution 

18.03.2024. American Experience in legal research, reasoning and writing

15.03.2024. "The rule of law and public trust - social stability imperatives": public lecture by the President of the Courts of New Brunswick, Marc Richard

14.02.2024. The Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of French Republic to the Republic of Moldova held a public lesson at NIJ



29.11.2023. Public lesson on sexual violence and opening of the exhibition "Don't blame the clothes!", organized at NIJ

27.11.2023. The campaign "16 Days of activism against gender-based violence", marked by the National Institute of Justice 

22.11.2023. The experience of the French National Financial Prosecutor's Office on the effective implementation of judicial agreements of public interest: discussions panel at NIJ 

18.10.2023. Discussion panel on the role of the National Institutute of Justice, as a judicial training entity, in the context of obtaining the status of candidate country of the Republic of Moldova for accession to the European Union 

27.07.2023. The 9th edition of the report competition for NIJ trainees took place 

4-7.07.2023. Special Jury Prize "Fighters for judicial Integrity in Moldova" and "Audience Honor Award", for the NIJ team from the Republic of Moldova at the THEMIS European Competition

13.06.2023. Awareness-raising activity for trainees: Combating Gender-Based Violence and the LGBTQI + Community

22.05.2023. Public lesson supported by Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Romania to the Republic of Moldova 

27.04.2023. The Ambassador of Ukraine to the Republic of Moldova and the NIJ trainees: Dialogue and reflections on the current situation regarding refugees and diplomatic relations between Chisinau and Kiev

29.03.2023. French experience in the efficient management of courts and prosecutors shared with representatives of the national law system

16.02.2023. Information visit of the NIJ trainees to the Superior Council of Prosecutor

28.01.2023. Public lecture at the NIJ on the role of the prosecutor in the administration of justice, held by the deputy of the interim General Prosecutor



25.11.2022. NIJ joins the international campaign "16 days of Activism against Gender-based Violence"

27.10.2022. Freedom of assemblyand association through European Court's of Human Rights case-law: a public lecture performed by Msr. Diana Sarcu, judge at the ECtHR

8.09.2022. "European standards regarding the protection of national minorities", public lecture held by ECtHR judge, Lətif Huseynov

20.06.2022. The 8th edition of the report competition for candidates for the positions of judge and prosecutor took place at the NIJ

20-24.06.2022. The trainees of the National Institute of Justice were on a study visit in Paris and Strasbourg, to familiarize with the French judicial system

1.06.2022. Charity actions on the occasion of International Children's Day

17-18.05.2022. Study visit of the NIJ trainees at the Penitentiary no. 9 - Pruncul

3-6.05.2022. The NIJ trainees participated in the European competition THEMIS

27.01.2022. Holocaust Rememrance Week: NIJ audience awareness campaign



6.08.2021. Paper competition entitled "Political pressure on justice in the Republic of Moldova



4.12.2020. NIJ "colored" its fir trees in #orange

20.10.2020. The NIJ trainees have participated in the public lesson on the phenomenon of selective justice 

10,13.06.2020. The 6th edition of the paper contest "Human rights, the state of emergency and rule of law" took place online



18-22.11.2019. The NIJ trainees participated in the AIAKOS Program within the EJTN

11-15.11.2019. The NIJ trainees, visiting the National Institute of Magistracy of Romania

25.10.2019. Candidates to the positions of prosecutor and judge visited the General Prosecutor's Office and Superior Council of Prosecutors

18.10.2019. Jourist's Day marked at the NIJ between different generations of professionals 

9.04.2019. The annual Contest of Reports in a new format, at the NIJ 

1.04.2019. #RedMyLips - an action of solidarity with the victims of sexual harassment 



10.07.2018. Study visit of the NIJ trainees at Penitentiary no. 10 and no. 9

2.07.2018. Former and actual NIJ trainees have competed, for the first time, in a simulated court trial

28-29.06.2018. For the first time, a paper competition for the NIJ of the Republic of Moldova and the NIM of the Romania trainees

31.05.2018. The children from the Carpineni orphanage, visited by the NIJ trainees

4.05.2018. The Competition on adversary procedure, at the third edition

28.04.2018. The information visit of the NIJ trainees to the General Prosecutor's Office

19.04.2018. The NIJ trainees have visited the AGEPI



23.09.2017. Judecătorii în atac și apărare pe terenul de fotbal

2.08.2017. S-a încheiat concursul de referate pentru audienții promoției a X-ea

5.07.2017. Audienții INJ au vizitat Procuratura Generală

6.06.2017. Viitorii procurori au vizitat Penitenciarul nr. 9 din Pruncul

31.05.2017. Protecția proprietății intelectuale și industriale

25.05.2017. Audienții INJ se familiarizează cu aspectele clinice ale unor maladii psihiatrice ale unor maladii din expertizele medico-legale psihiatrice

23.05.2017. Vizita audienților INJ la penitenciarul din Brănești

5.05.2017. Au fost desemnați câștigătorii Concursului privind procedura contradictorie

22.03.2017. Audienții INJ în vizită la CSM

15.03.2017. Audienții INJ în vizită la AGEPI

10.03.2017. Audienții INJ au vizitat Curtea Supremă de Justiție



24.11.2016. Ambasada Franței în R. Moldova a prezentat un curs de instruire pentru audienții formării inițiale

14-18.11.2016. Audienții INJ au participat la un curs internațional de instruire în domeniul corupției

20.06.2016. Un nou concurs științific pentru audienții de la formare inițială

8.06.2016. Audienții INJ au cunoscut și o altă parte a vieții condamnaților